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General information
Insediamento di Crispiano
Settlement of cultural or religious importance
Crispiano, located 15 km from Taranto, is a small town situated on both shores of the Vallone Lizzitello, in the midst of resin-scented forests. Its economy is based on tourism and gastronomy. Many different types of high-quality products are available, ranging from oil to cheese and from tomatoes to wine. Crispiano is also known as the “City of 100 farmhouses” thanks to the many farmhouses around it, some of which are fortified and which are symbols of its culture. One of these, Masseria Lupoli, also contains an interesting Museum of Farming Culture. The first settlement in this area dates to the 4th century B.C., but few traces remain of that period and barbarian invasions that followed. In the 18th century, the river valley caves that Oriental monks had occupied in the middle ages became the new homes of many farm workers. They came from close-by towns, laying the foundation for modern day Crispiano The Miola, Alezza, Boccaladroni, Fornace, Cacciagualani, Cigliano, L'Amastuola, and Triglie ravines are found in this area. The cave village of Triglie, bordering on Crispiano and Statte, on the sides of a ravine of the same name is also very interesting.
One event not to missed is the "Carnevale estivo del Fegatino," a harvest festival of traditional food products held about the middle of July with processions of allegorical carts and groups of masked participants. During the Christmas period, a still crèche with 120 life-size statues is set up in the Vallone grottoes, and there is also a living crèche (on December 26th and 30th and January 01st and 06th), a celebration of bygone life in the grottoes with period costumes accompanied by a sampling of local agricultural products. Lastly, the three magi are commemorated on January 06th and 07th with 150 actors in period costumes. Patron Saint: Madonna della Neve (5 august) e San Michele Arcangelo (29 september)
Municipality of Crispiano
099 8114501
Pugliapromozione Regional Agency for Turism of Puglia
Additional information
Unlimited visit
Religious tourism,Cultural tourism,Holiday tourism,Active tourism,Nature-based tourism
cultural attraction,Cultural center,cultural events,Municipality,Religious attraction