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General information
Festa di San Giuseppe (San Marzano)
Other attraction
Situated on a plateau between Sava and Fragagnano, S.Marzano di San Giuseppe is an agricultural centre rich in vineyards and olive groves. In the XIV century, the hamlet was just called San Marzano and, still uninhabited, was incorporated in the possessions of the Prince of Taranto, Giovanni Antonio Orsini. In the XV century, the Aragonese conquered these lands, also with the help of George Castriota Skanderbeg’s Albanian troops. In the XVI century, many Albanians fled from the Turks’ attacks and found refuge in this area: that is when San Marzano was established with a new life, with the help of royal privileges. The Albanian colony grew and imported habits, costumes and rituals of their homeland. In 1530, the Albanian Captain Demetrio Capuzzimati was appointed by King Charles V as Baron of San Marzano. It was in this period that the Seignory was progressively enlarged and became a prosperous Greek orthodox centre. In the subsequent centuries, the feud passed into the hands of the Taurisano family and then of the Castriota family, which held it up to the end of the XVIII century. It was only in September 1886 that the town took its current name, “San Marzano di San Giuseppe”, in its patron saint’s honour. The preservation of the Albanian language is today the tangible sign of this history and remains the distinguishing feature of the this community within the Ionian province.
One very attractive event, and not only for the local community, is the Feast of Saint Joseph held on March 18 and 19. The patron saint protects joiners and is much venerated here. In fact, the local population stages a Procession of the wood, with spectacular devotional bonfires, a sincerely participated tradition in the entire province of Taranto, and huge diner tables prepared to offer the opportunity to all the attendees to taste unequalled food.
San Marzano di San Giuseppe (Taranto)
Municipality of San Marzano di San Giuseppe
Pugliapromozione Regional Agency for Turism of Puglia
Additional information
Unlimited visit
Religious tourism
cultural attraction,cultural events,Religious attraction,Shrine